Please contact us if something is unclear.
We do our best for all customers, which includes making it easy for you to contact us. If you have any questions, please first check our FAQ page to see if your question has already been answered. Didn’t find the answer? Feel free to contact us via the form below or send us an email at: info@calconditioner.com. Emails are usually answered in the evenings and on weekends as well. Email is preferred since English is not our native language.
Send us an email!
Name | Calconditioner Water Technology |
Office | Schoolstraat 29 6581 BG Malden |
Country | Netherlands |
Phone | +31 (0)24 7110309 |
info@calconditioner.com | |
Bank | NL03 KNAB 0256 8649 69 |
Bic number | KNABNL2H |
Chamber of Commerce | 100.35.417 |
VAT | NL001347961B20 |

Business Owner: Niek Breur
Since its founding in 1992, service and quality have been the cornerstones of the company. Since 2007, the patented company has been owned by Calconditioner Water Technology. Our water softeners have been manufactured in the Netherlands for many years, and we are very proud of that.
Address for returns and repairs
Calconditioner Water Technology
RMA [order number]
Schoolstraat 29
6581 BG Malden
Further information about delivery times can be found here.
Further information on returns can be found here.